I just got back from Italy, and have to say it feels good to be home. Not that I don't love Italy, who could not love Italy? But California has always been my home and coming back to her always makes me happy. I spent yesterday like a zombie, even getting lost on the way to my own house! What a crazy thing jet lag is, what evidence that we are so connected to this earth we live on, to the soil and the way the sun rises and sets- we have to reconnect whenever we leave our part of the earth for another.
The ways of life are so different here and there, people always say it, it makes you appreciate the life you have. There are, of course, many things I wish that we had from Italy, the culture, the food, the emphasis on community. What kind and loving people (even if they sound like they are screaming at each other all the time haha). But the smells and the sights of home...
And now the people. My boyfriend just called me on his way to San Fran, halted in traffic because there is someone with a gun and claiming to have a bomb on the bay bridge. (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/11/11/BAF81GAKQV.DTL) These people, so isolated in our American Dream they can't find another way to live. For all our advancements in this life, the simplicity of happiness is the thing that eludes us most- desperately we seek it everywhere but where we can find it- in the hearts and smiles of those around us.
What a world.